MOOsaico: Multilingual Virtual Community

Let's install these tf/MCP2.1 packages

You should already have the base mcp21 macros installed. Don't forget to have your world with the tiny.moo option. Your file must have the MOOsaico line along these examples:

/addworld -Ttiny.moo MOOsaico mychar mypassword 7777
/test addworld("MOOsaico","tiny.moo","","7777","mychar","mypassword")

First get the package with the plugins.

# cd /tmp
# curl --remote-name
# curl --remote-name
# curl --remote-name

Test the package with gpg.

# gpg --import moosaico-pubkey.asc
# gpg --verify mcp21-tf-packages.tar.gz.sig mcp21-tf-packages.tar.gz

Check for Good signature.

Unpack the file mcp21-tf-packages.tar.gz to your tf-lib. Something like:

# cd /usr/lib/tf-lib
# tar zxvf /tmp/mcp21-tf-packages.tar.gz

Then add them to your .tfrc after the base MCP2.1 macros. It should look like this;

$ cat ~/.tfrc
/require ~/

;; New MCP 2.1!
/load mcp-2/
/load mcp-2/
/load mcp-2/
/load mcp-2/

/load mcp21-tf-packages/
/load mcp21-tf-packages/
/load mcp21-tf-packages/
/load mcp21-tf-packages/
/load mcp21-tf-packages/

Some plugins may need some customization, so edit the .tf files and read the top lines.

Copyright © 1994-2025 MOOsaico, Multilingual Virtual Community
All Rights Reserved. Todos os direitos reservados.
31 years of MOO (1994-2025)