MOO Client Protocol 2.1 Support (and other plugins)
MOOsaico supports the following packages
dns-org-mud-moo-simpleedit dns-com-awns-status dns-com-vmoo-client dns-com-awns-serverinfo dns-com-vmoo-pages dns-com-awns-ping dns-com-vmoo-userlist dns-com-awns-displayurl dns-com-vmoo-mmedia * dns-com-awns-visual dns-com-zuggsoft-msp * dns-org-cubik-prompt * under testUse the
command to check the availability of these. The folder
in MOOsaico is the place of discussion for issues about
MOO clients and MCP/2.1.
Check the rest of the page for some packages for your client of choice. The following clients support MCP/2.1 and some of the listed packages above: TinyFugue, tkMOO-light, tkMOO-SE, GnoeMoe, Trebuchet Tk, gMOO, VMOO, zMUD and KoeMoe, Atlantis, MudWalker, Savitar .
You can check their appearance with these screenshots.

No. The package is not here. It is better to get it from the original place:
MCP plugins
UPDATE: Get all plugins and macros from here (MCP plugins) and here (MCP/2.1 base macros).
Get the MCP/2.1 macros from Unpack it in yourtf-lib
With these macros you will get MCP (MOO Client Protocol)
support from tf so you can interact with some moo packages. One of the most
important one is local editing (edit text in a separate window).
Make sure your /addworld
includes -Ttiny.moo
on your MOO worlds.
Note: As MOOsaico is running LambdaMOO server 2.8.2 you must update
file for this and
this one.
Local MCP/2.1 packages for TinyFugue:
v1.4- Implements some client info to be known within the MOO. Name, version and client window size are some of them. Nice for better tables and horizontal text.
v1.0- The package allows the server to send short, human readable, informational messages to cooperating clients. The client will display it on a status bar. This implementation uses the window title.
v0.1- The package allows the server to send URLs to the client. The client should then use a client-side webbrowser to display the contents of the URL. You have to edit it and write your browser name.
v0.2- Allows both client and server to test the latency of a user's
connection, a rough indication of net-lag. An indicator shows up
on the right side of the worlds name on the visual bar.
Of course you need
/visual on
. This is just the client test for now.
If you need some help check this small HOW-TO.
GPG Signature: The packages here have been signed by the wizards. You can get the public key from any keyserver with the key id 0x24B51361, or directly from here: moosaico-pubkey.asc
The public key fingerprint should be: pub 1024D/24B51361 2005-03-16 MOOsaico ( <> Key fingerprint = DF47 12EF 7125 57B0 15BB C1C6 72C7 CD75 24B5 1361For more information about public key signatures, see |
Other plugins
You must get one of the following two if you type with accents:
- If a LambdaMOO server has a database that supports sending
binary chars to the player, this way everyone can type
accented characters and make them appear to the others.
Now you can send pages and messages in MOOsaico with your
lovely accents.
Do not forget to set@client-options charset=latin1
If you really want to see the ~XX codes for debugging get this.
[v3]- Just type the accented characters you are used to, and automagically they are converted to a 7 bit codification. It is working with Euro € :)

Very good local editing support and many more features can be used with this client. Start to get it. For many plugins check the plugins area of tkMOO.
Put these extentions in plugins
v0.1- Type accented characters! This plugin let's you use your usual
international keyboard and fonts with MOOsaico.
You can turn it off under the
Special Forces
Do not forget to set@client-options charset=latin1
Contribution by pmsac. autoupdate.tcl
v0.10- The tool you're waiting for! Keep on top of the wave! This autoupdater will
check automatically if there are new or updated plugins and will get them
for you. You've just have to restart your client. Are you a Windows
user ? The client binary for windows doesn't have HTTP support so you
need to also copy this
to your plugins directory. client-info.tcl
v0.8- Show to the moo system what client you are using so it gets better
support. It also update your
if you resize your window.
If you want to use emacs as a client download this client.
To type accented character, first change the rmoo-send-here
functions by
this one and add this file
to the rest of the code.
Contribution by LordChaos.